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This text provides clear guidance on English grammar and helps students master the fundamentals of grammar. It contains 60+ bite-sized units with short exercises at the end of each unit. The 3rd edition includes four new units on hedging, being critical and collocation. It is an essential resource for students of all disciplines and levels wanting to excel at writing.

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Эдгар Дейл выявил наиболее эффективные способы обучения, которые он представил в виде схемы 'Конус обучения'. Согласно исследованиям Дейла, наиболее эффективный способ выучить что-либо - обучать других и использовать изучаемый материал в собственной жизни. Хотя Конус обучения содержит не совсем точные данные, он является руководством для самых эффективных техник обучения.

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The Oxford English Grammar Course is a series of books by Michael Swan and Catherine Walter that teach English grammar at different levels - Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each book includes fully interactive exercises and pronunciation practice. The Basic Level is for elementary and pre-intermediate learners, the Intermediate Level is for intermediate and upper-intermediate students, and the Advanced Level is for those who want to speak or write more correctly for academic or professional purposes. The books teach the grammar of spoken and written British English, but can also be used by students of other kinds of English. The Advanced Level book also includes grammar for reading and writing.

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Focus on Grammar is a popular contextualized grammar series that takes students from context to communication. The fourth edition includes updated high-interest readings, key vocabulary, redesigned grammar charts, explicit pronunciation activities, and expanded listening tasks. The program offers flexible, ongoing assessment and an online learning and assessment program called MyEnglishLab. The Student's book and Workbook are both available in the fourth edition.

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В статье представлены две книги для работы с привычками: Agile life. Как вывести жизнь на новую орбиту, используя методы agile-планирования, нейрофизиологию и самокоучинг и Атомные привычки. Как приобрести хорошие привычки и избавиться от плохих. Обе книги предлагают практические советы и упражнения для развития продуктивности и личной эффективности.

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